Tide Business Zero Balance Account-Benefits and Features

Tide Business Zero Balance Account-Benefits and Features

 Tide Business Account:-

Tide Business Account  और Tide Expense Card  खर्च और व्यावसायिक खर्चों को ट्रैक करते हैं, सभी RuPay स्वीकार करने वाले व्यापारियों पर लेनदेन को enable करते हैं और साथ में व्यवसायों को समय और पैसा बचाने में मदद करते हैं।  व्यवसायों को अपने Finance को बेहतर ढंग से Manage  करने में मदद करने के लिए भविष्य में Invoice  निर्माण, क्रेडिट सेवाओं और Payroll Manage जैसी सुविधाएं भी प्रदान करने के लिए तत्पर हैं।


  • Quick Online account opening
  • Manage & Schedule payments
  • Generate GST compliant invoices for free
  • Easy expense management
  • Directly manage debits on the app
  • Expense management with a Tide Business Account
  • loading of your account balance from bank accounts, credit or debit cards
  • Prepaid limit up to INR 200000 at any time and cumulative spending limit of  INR 300000 per day or per month  as defined by the PPI Issuer (Transcorp).
  • Active member support
  • Real-time notifications
  • Lock, unlock and block your card on-the-go
  • Acceptance by all RuPay accepting merchants

limit to the number of transaction that a member can make in a day or a month-

The amount outstanding shall not exceed INR 2,00,000 at any point of time. However, Tide Expense Card can be used at any online or offline RuPay-accepting merchants.  The cumulative spend limit on your Tide Expense Card will be of INR 3,00,000 in a day or month, as per the spending limit defined by the PPI Issuer.

Fees & Charge:-

 don’t levy any charges for opening a Tide Business Account.
don’t need to maintain any minimum balance in their Tide Expense Card .

Fingerprint Lock For Opening app.
Our Money is safe with Tide account.
Our Data is safe with Tide account.

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